As one can image, in 2020 there was a tremendous amount of change in one of our foster parent’s home. The four girls they fostered were moved into a different home to meet the biological parents’ desires to have their children in a home who shared their same ethnicity. It was hard for the foster parents to say goodbye to the children they loved so much, but they understand the biological family’s request.
Now the Beardmans have two new children in their home, a pair of brothers who are very spread apart in age. The Beardmans and their support team of volunteers have already started helping these children adapt to their new home and are showering them with love. It is a seemingly perfect match when looking at the background of some of the volunteers. The older boy is in middle-school and one of the volunteers used to help run a children’s camp where she specialized in working with at-risk boys of this age. A second volunteer teaches middle school and knows how to relate especially well. As we all know, working with middle school boys can be challenging, but these two volunteers come with years of experience and developed patience.
The foster parents themselves are part of the music ministry at their small church and love the process of introducing these kids to music. The team and the foster family are excited to try and help these two boys by bringing them stability, enrichment, and connection. The team and family relate like a true family would, and it will be great to see how these boys bloom under their care and constant support.
The team itself is growing with its number of volunteers being added to often. Seeing more people jump in to help support this family is what we at Fostering Hope love to see.